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About Us

Why Choose Us?


A century ago, Dr. Maria Montessori discovered one of the key principles of what is now the

Montessori Method of education: every child creates the person he or she will become.

Children construct their personalities, intelligence, and language as they interact with the world around them. In Montessori schools around the United States and all over the world, those principles are as true today as they were over a hundred years ago. A Montessori learning

environment provides children an opportunity to explore and experience the world as

individuals and to become prepared not just for success in school but in life as well.


At Montessori Internationale School we know that families face many options when choosing

the best style of education and school for their child. Maria Montessori believed that, “Our

care of the child should be governed not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the

endeavor always to keep burning within him the light which is called intelligence.” The

committed and experienced staff of Montessori Internationale School strives to not only focus

on a rich academic education but to establish intellectual, emotional, and physical strength

within each child as a means to develop a student with self-direction, creative problem solving

skills, flexibility, and responsibility.


Maria Montessori understood that the foundation of a young child’s education was important to their development and future academic success and we are dedicated to following the natural development of each child, to help him or her develop a love of learning and a sense of independence that allows for exploration and excitement from newly gained knowledge.


Montessori Internationale School is a dedicated to providing a quality Montessori program for

all children and families and does not discriminate based on race, gender, disability, national

origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religious belief, or political affiliation. We have a

wonderfully diverse student body and parent community which we celebrate, respect, and




School History


Montessori Internationale School was established in 1995 by Sue Wimalasena, affectionately

known by many as “Miss Sue”. The Internationale portion of the school name, not only reflects

the founder’s heritage and Montessori training, but also stands as a symbol of the universality

of Montessori education and the inclusion of a diverse population within the school. The

school building was specifically designed and land chosen by our founder, to suit the needs of

the primary aged child and a Montessori community. Over the years Miss Sue worked tirelessly

to develop the school into what is now known among the community as an exemplary

educational program and school community. In 2013 the process of transitioning the school

into new ownership began. Miss Sue and her husband were ready to retire and return to their

homeland of Sri Lanka. It was important that the school continued to be a service to the

families and children of the Knoxville community, as it had done for so many years already.


Amanda Swiger took over ownership and direction of Montessori Internationale School after

working closely with Miss Sue throughout 2013. Since the transition, the school has continued

to improve, grow, and serve the Knoxville community under the new direction. Ms. Amanda

now works hard to maintain the level of excellence for which the school has a reputation, and

to further grow and evolve the details of the school program to fit the needs of the community.

We are very proud of all of our students and maintain a close relationship with many families,

even after their time with the school has ended. Alumni frequently visit and play a part in

school special events.


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